
   guoping   搜猪网    2016-07-25 06:25:00
【导读】GERMANY - The Big Dutchman group, based in Vechta-Calveslage, Germany, has acquired the PAL-Bullermann group including their exh...

GERMANY - The Big Dutchman group, based in Vechta-Calveslage, Germany, has acquired the PAL-Bullermann group including their exhaust air treatment division I.U.S.The transaction is currently awaiting clearance by the competition regulator. The PAL-Bullermann group from Markhausen near Friesoythe in Germany is one of the leading suppliers of poultry and pig equipment in Northern Europe and has approx. 80 employees.

大荷兰人(Big Dutchman)集团总部设在德国Vechta-Calveslage,它已经收购了PAL-Bullermann集团,其中包括废气处理部门I.U.S。这笔交易目前正在等待竞争监管机构的批准。PAL-Bullermann集团位于德国弗里索伊特市(Friesoythe)附近的Markhausen市,它是欧洲北部家禽与生猪养殖设备的主要供应商之一,受雇员工大约有80名。


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    GERMANY - The Big Dutchman group, based in Vechta-Calveslage, Germany, has acquired the PAL-Bullermann group including their exhaust air treatment division I U S The transaction is currently awaiting clearance by the competitio
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    GERMANY - The Big Dutchman group, based in Vechta-Calveslage, Germany, has acquired the PAL-Bullermann group including their exhaust air treatment division I U S The transaction is currently awaiting clearance by the competitio
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    GERMANY - The Big Dutchman group, based in Vechta-Calveslage, Germany, has acquired the PAL-Bullermann group including their exhaust air treatment division I U S The transaction is currently awaiting clearance by the competitio
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    GERMANY - The Big Dutchman group, based in Vechta-Calveslage, Germany, has acquired the PAL-Bullermann group including their exhaust air treatment division I U S The transaction is currently awaiting clearance by the competitio
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    GERMANY - The Big Dutchman group, based in Vechta-Calveslage, Germany, has acquired the PAL-Bullermann group including their exhaust air treatment division I U S The transaction is currently awaiting clearance by the competitio
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    GERMANY - The Big Dutchman group, based in Vechta-Calveslage, Germany, has acquired the PAL-Bullermann group including their exhaust air treatment division I U S The transaction is currently awaiting clearance by the competitio
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    GERMANY - The Big Dutchman group, based in Vechta-Calveslage, Germany, has acquired the PAL-Bullermann group including their exhaust air treatment division I U S The transaction is currently awaiting clearance by the competitio
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    GERMANY - The Big Dutchman group, based in Vechta-Calveslage, Germany, has acquired the PAL-Bullermann group including their exhaust air treatment division I U S The transaction is currently awaiting clearance by the competitio
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    GERMANY - The Big Dutchman group, based in Vechta-Calveslage, Germany, has acquired the PAL-Bullermann group including their exhaust air treatment division I U S The transaction is currently awaiting clearance by the competitio
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    GERMANY - The Big Dutchman group, based in Vechta-Calveslage, Germany, has acquired the PAL-Bullermann group including their exhaust air treatment division I U S The transaction is currently awaiting clearance by the competitio
    2018-10-11 07:45:00

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