Whether you adopt “extensive” management or “delicacy”managementfor your marketing team
The said issues are those which agricultural and farming enterprises are often encountered with but feel hard to solve effectively. However, for some Top 500 multinational enterprises, these issues are not difficult to be solved; what tricks are there? Of course, you may say that these multinational enterprises have strong market competitiveness, including competitiveness in terms of products, market and brand, and therefore their marketers may be faced with relatively weak challenges in the market. In fact, currently, such multinational enterprises are showing weakening momentum in terms of such competitiveness elements as product, market and brand with the market competition and its variation. For instance, Apple’s iPhone is taking a less market share in Chinese market with the rising of homemade cellphones, but Apple still achieve considerable profit in China, which can be proved by many cases; the real strong competitiveness element of these multinational enterprises is right their management system. As for marketing management, the delicacy management adopted by them is worthy to being learned by other industries and enterprises. For delicacy management of agricultural and farming marketing teams, I think the following four dimensions need to be strengthened!
For talents, we often mention selection, utilization, development and retention. The first one is selection. Talent selection must comply with applicable principles, specifically what kind of talent we need in terms of product, market, customer, enterprise and team and how we select them in an effective manner. There are many talents in the market, but it is not easy to identify those who are really applicable. What kinds of talents are more suitable for the overall environment of agricultural and farming marketing and can give play to their core value? There are three key contents for your reference:
Willingness comes first: we develop and select college students who are willing to be engaged in the agriculture and farming industry in various kinds of agricultural and farming colleges to form their high-quality talent echelon, and directionally foster them and sign a long-term employment agreement or contract with them to effectively bind them and reduce the attrition rate; though it needs time and investment, it produces significant effectiveness. For instance, this year, Muyuan Group recruited more 2000 college graduates in one time.
Focus on specialty: since agriculture and farming industry has its own industrial characteristics, professional talents (for instance, husbandry and veterinary) are in high demand. However, there is a popular saying in the agriculture and farming industry: a good veterinarian does not mean a good business. Professional talents as imported must find their suitable jobs to better give play to their efficacy. Many enterprises have their pig farm service teams develop a lot of large pig farms and customers for their enterprises, so resident service is of great importance and the introduction of technical service talents will be the next focus of the enterprise.
Cross-sector introduction: marketing in the agriculture and farming industry is different from other industries in terms of such dimensions as product and market. However, it has something common with other industries. Cross-industry talent introduction is an important approach for such sectors as fast consumer goods or end retailing sector, which has more delicacy marketing management. Even some professionals have also received related system trainings including general finance, legal and staff management in addition to regular marketing. New blood is the best method for incorporation and learning for agriculture and farming industry.
Working environment and working characteristics of marketers decide great variation of working state of marketers and the management of the marketer team needs enhance humanistic management art and always control thedynamic variation of subjective willingness of marketers while offering timely communication and encourage, thus ensuring marketers can fully devote themselves to the work in the limited time.
Caring for the life: the marketing team mainly consists of members of less than 35 years old with relatively limited life experience, who are greatly affected by relationship and family affairs. So managers should care for them, eliminate their worries and difficulties, and help them get rid of their anxious emotions.
Market configuration: in our marketing team, we generally divide marketers into two types by working place. One type is local marketers who work near their workplace, know the market better, but fail to distinguish the relationship between their work and their lives; the other is non-local marketers who can distinguish their work and their lives and are more devoted to the market and work, but have higher attrition rate. Therefore, many agricultural and farming enterprises would choose marketers of their own province since they work the place which has an appropriate distance from their hometown and will not meddletheir lives with their work.
Strengthened competition: Face with fiercer market competition, marketers show outstanding willingness of market selection. Many marketers show strong sense of rejection against the development of strange market and like to retain existing market rather than develop new markets. There are two reasons: one is that they are concerned about getting appropriate return for their investment; the other is their depressed mind and resting on past achievements. It is necessary to strengthen internal competition PK mechanism since competition always exists in the market,and so does competition among elite marketers. Monthly, quarterly and annual marketing champions will be given special honors in addition a lot of bonus. In the meantime, the elimination system is adopted for those who are backward and shiftless in a determinant manner to always keep the marketing team vigorous. The increment and evaluation criteria are established, according to which any member who takes the last place but accomplishes the criteria will not be eliminated, to keep improving the competitiveness combat effectiveness of all members
The management of marketing results should follow the target-oriented process control and the process-based control during marketing management should improve the necessity of marketing success through inherent rules of marketing and utilizing some appropriate table management tools and business operation tools, thus ensuring the achievability of overall marketing target.
Utilizing various tools: Many marketers say more but do less.It is not because they are not willing to do but because they don’t have good tools to use. Tabulation and data are the basis for delicacy management of marketing.
Highlighting the survey: every section of marketing is of great importance and cannot be missed. However, many marketers focus on the last signatory section but ignore detailed market survey and customer background analysis, which makes easy to develop customers but difficult to retain them. Detailed customer survey data needs to be collected and compiled, analyzed with the assistance of the manager, and developed and maintained specifically, to shoot the arrow at the target.
Emphasizing the schemes: one scheme for one business, one scheme for one site, and one scheme for one enterprise. Analyzing and developing customers for marketers is a very good and practical system marketing tool.
It is necessary to clearly determine the responsibility of marketers since their mission is not only marketing result but also what we have not considered.
Prioritized action: An excellent enterprise may consider marketers’ actions more important than their results, i.e. things to be done every day or every month, rather than daily or monthly sales volume.
Reasonable target: Marketers may drift along once they are overloaded. Helping marketers reduce the pressure and setting reasonable target is one key element for delicacy performance management.
Knowing the frontline: as the team manager, it is necessary to know the frontline sufficiently. Otherwise, it is hard to determine whether market information fed back by marketers is accurate. Therefore, the team manager should make it a normal to visit the frontline and understand the market.
At present, excellent agricultural and farming enterprises are gradually transforming from extensive management to delicacy management. They utilize scientific, systematic and standardized marketing mechanisms to make ordinary marketers more excellent. Once these excellent marketers leave the enterprise and become more difficult to replicate their original successful cases without the support of the powerful marketing management system of the enterprise since it needs both time and cost to establish such a delicacy management system. Therefore, in the standardized delicacy marketing management system, excellent marketers rarely leave the enterprise since it takes time to find a suitable platform and career and it is not easy to start over again or find a suitable platform for their development. Even if when they leave the enterprise, the enterprise may be only affected less and its marketing team will become stronger due to delicacy management and steady development. Moreover, a strong marketing team will be definitely the biggest support for the enterprise to be faced with, participate in and win, the competition in the future.