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猪场岗位职责 1 场长职责 在(1)负责猪场的经营管理。( 2 )负责协调本单位各部门之间的关系。( 3 )处理实施年度生产计划。 ( 4 )处理对外事务 ( 5 )组织召开例会,传达上级文件。
冬季 寒冷,在外界气温过低时,猪体为了维持正常的体温,就必须增强体内物质的氧化分解,产生热能,以补充体热的散失。一般来说,小猪周围气温以20℃至26℃时,代谢消耗量较低,生长发育正常。
一般应掌握以下几个要点: 1.科学选用驱虫药 目前,对猪场危害较大的寄生虫主要有疥螨、鞭虫、蛔虫、圆线虫、蚤、蚊、蝇等。猪场驱虫药使用原则: 1.1 选好时间,全群覆盖
Company Introduction

Heilongjiang Senyu Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd. is a large pig breeding enterprise on breeding, production and marketing. It is a provincial demonstrative base for swine breeding and production in Heilongjiang and a key enterprise supported by the Heilongjiang Provincial Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Bureau.

公司的托佩克项目于2004年9月启动, 2004年11月完成猪舍及配套设施建设,并于2004年12月从荷兰托佩克国际种猪公司引进400头曾祖代种猪,标志着该项目正式投入运营,并由荷兰托佩克国际种猪公司全方位的技术支持。种猪场座落在黑龙江省佳木斯市桦南县明义乡共和水库旁,占地面积5.1万平方米,建筑面积1.1万平方米。猪场由荷兰专家根据现代化养猪生产工艺设计,按照猪舍标准化、装备现代化、管理数据化、场区生态化的定位,建成了目前工艺流程最先进的核心群体选育场。在公司上下的努力及养猪专家的指导下,经过3年多的纯种繁育和选种选育,培育出自己的品牌—森宇种猪。产品包括祖代、父母代种猪以及商品猪,品种主要有020, 030, 080, C40系。
Our company’s Topigs project was initiated in September 2004, the construction of barn and facilities matched have been completed in November 2004 and imported 400 GGP breeding pigs from Netherlands Topigs International breeding company in December 2004, indicating formal operation of the project. The breeding and selection program of Topigs farm is fully supported by Netherlands Topigs International breeding company. It is located nearby Gonghe reservoir in Mingyi Township, Huanan County, Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province with a land area of 51,000 square meters and farm construction area of 11,000 square meters respectively. Pursuanting to production technology design of modern pig farm and the orientation of barn standardization, facility modernization, digital management and zoology section, established a nucleus herd selection farm with the most advanced process flow at the present time by Netherlands experts. Under the endeavors of all staffs and direction of swine experts, the farm successfully bred own brand Senyu swine by pure breeding and purebred selection during over 3 years period. The products include grandparent herd, parent herd and commercial herd. The breeds including 020, 030, 080, C40 line.
In order to perfect well-bred breeding system and quicken the pace of swine genetics improvement, Heilongjiang Sino-Canadian Senyu-Polar Swine Genetics Co., Ltd., a joint venture nucleus pig breeding centre was formed by Heilongjiang Senyu Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd. Of China and Polar Genetics Inc. from Alberta of Canada with the signature of JV agreement in December 2005. Polar Genetics Inc. is an international well-known Canadian livestock exporter which owned by Peak Swine Genetics Inc., a leading pig breeding company in Canada.. Other than supply of superior Canadian swine genetics, Polar Genetics Inc. also provides advanced swine artificial insemination technology, facilities and A.I. boar semen throughout the world. It is located in Heijinhe Township, Tangyuan County, Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province with a land area of 300,000 square meters and farm construction area of 15,000 square meters respectively. On October 12, 2007, the company imported 628 heads Canadian elite purebred breeding pigs with different breeds including Duroc, Landrace, Yorkshire and Lacombe selected and supplied by Polar Genetics Inc. The breeding and selection program of the JV nucleus pig breeding centre will be fully supported by swine experts of Polar Genetics Inc., using the most advanced technology of breeding and selection under the guidance of the Canadian Centre for Swine Improvement (CCSI). All breeding and selection data on evaluation will be managed by CCSI through E-Farm software.

Our company has successfully bred excellent terminal sire line and female parent sire line. In order to enlarge rapidly boar force and quicken the breed improvement of local commercial hogs, we plan to establish 5 A.I. boar studs so as to supply large number of excellent quality semen collected from boar and related A.I. technology and equipment service to market every year.

In order to protect entironment, utilize effectively resource, improve economic benefit, our company will initiate sewage treatment project and establish “general agriculture” system so as to promote entirely the construction of standardization ecotype breeding farm.

Currently our company has 5 pig breeding farms and 10 pig production bases with annual output of breeding pig and commercial hog reaches 50,000 and 30,000 heads respectively.

面对当今市场的激烈竞争,公司在发展期间不断探索和发展适宜自己公司的特色管理模式与思路。以技术为基础,狠抓管理与创新,形成了森宇公司独特而优秀的企业形象。公司于2006年通过了国家ISO9000质量管理体系认证,并相继获得了“无公害农产品产地” 、“市级农业产业化重点龙头企业”、“黑龙江民营科技企业”、“黑龙江百强名优企业”、“项目建设工作先进单位”、“全市食品安全诚信三星级企业”等荣誉称号。
Facing the rigorous challenge of current market, we continuously explore and develop characteristic management model and thought suited to our company during the development period. Based on technology and stressing management and administration, Unique and excellent enterprise image of Senyu company has been formed. Our company has passed the audit of National ISO9000 Quality Control System, and achieved a series of honor titles such as “Production Area of Pollution-free Agricultural Product”, “Key Dragon-head Enterprise of Agriculture Industrialization in Jiamusi City”, “Heilongjiang Provincial Private Science and Technology Enterprise”, “Heilongjiang Provincial Top 100 Enterprise”, “Advanced Unit of Project Construction”, “Three-star Enterprise of Food Security and Good Faith in Jiamusi City”, etc.

The main mission of our company is to promote pig breeding industry in China in the spirit of “Unity, Pragmatic, Innovation and Development”, with high-quality personnel and technical support from the leading scientific research institutions, the good reputation and the best guarantee for quality, follows the concept of “cooperation among companies, bases and farmers” to fully implement industrial management of agriculture.

更新时间:2013-05-04 19:52:33 点击: 发布人: zcl 官方编辑 来源:网络  
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