Diannan Small-Ear
Distribution:Mengle,Ruili,Yingjiang and WenShan ara in Yunnan Province.
Population size:Approximately 160,OOOfertilized sows in 1979.
Major characteristics:The body conformation is short,with erect and flatly extended ears,wide back,plump body,thin skin and sparse hair.The color of the breed is primarily black,following six white spot,black,white and brown.It is classifled large,intennedate and small types.The small type pig is also called "slender bone,,pig;"wax gourdpig and "oil-gourd"pig,with small head,flat forehead,fat and deep neck;lightly long snout,shod and straight legs and sound hooves.Large type Average weight of male adults is 64.2kg and females76kg,while small type 39.6kg and 54.3kg respectively.Early sex maulrity.Males begin to be bred at the age of 90days and females at the age of 4 months.The litter size is 7.7piglets m the first litter,and 10.1piglets in the upward litter.The daily gain in the fattening period is 220g;the average dressing percentage is 74%.The lean meat percentage and fat for the carcass is 31%and 53%respectively.